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Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ALTAŞ

Kurucu Yönetici Ortak

Areas of Practice:

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Altaş is an academic member at Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Management, Department of Management Engineering. He completed his masters and doctorate education at Ankara University, Faculty of Law, Department of Private Law (Civil Law) and was appointed Associate Professor in 2003 and Professor in 2009. Besides his academic career, Mr. Altaş has held executive positions at various institutions and organizations managing boards, such as Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. and TURKSAT A.Ş.

In addition to five books on Civil Law, Law of Obligations, Construction Law, Telecommunication Law and Rental Law, Altaş has published more than a hundred articles in domestic and foreign scientific journals. He regularly participates conferences and symposiums in the areas of domestic and international law and takes part as a speaker on issues related to Civil Law, Law of Obligations and Electronic Communication Law.

Throughout his life, he has given great contributions to education. He has built Kavaklar Beyelli-Mehmet Altaş and Çivril Lütfiye Altaş Primary Schools by honoring names of his parents in Denizli, where he was born and raised, and donated these schools to the Ministry of National Education. As being aware of how education plays an effective and significant role on the development of society, he has supported the development of the society’s level of education by providing academic services and supporting underprivileged but successful students. With this mission, Professor Altaş has established Hukuk & Araştırma Vakfı (Law & Research Foundation) in 2014 with the aim of institutionalizing the support offered to underprivileged and successful law students and he continues to be the Foundation’s Honorary President.



1. Preliminary Provisions of the Civil Law, Ankara 2014.
2. Revenue and Company Lease, Ankara 2009.
3. Regulations of Telecommunication, Ankara 2004.
4. Destruction of Goods Before Delivery (Code of Obligations, Art. 368), Ankara 2002.
5. Restoring the Adverse Effects of the Violation of the Rules of the Form, Ankara 1998.

1. Die Neuerungen im revidierten türkischen Obligationengesetz in Bezug auf das Miet-und Kaufrecht, Türkei und Deutschland in Europa Symposium, Universität Augsburg 2013.
2. Commentary: Electronic Payments – Sancia Journal of Law and Politcis July 2008.
3. Universal Service in Telecommunication, Ankara Bar Review, Volume:1, Issue 2, S: 42-47, July 2008.
4. Telecommunication Directives And Its Relation To Turkish Regulations –July 2008.
5. An Appraisal Of The International Roaming Regulation- Free Law Journal, Volume 3, Number 3 July 2007.

1. Heirloom Lawsuits at Foundations (“Vakıflarda Evladiye Davaları”), Ankara University Law Faculty Journal 1998, Vol. 47, No. 1-4, p. 145–151 (joint author).
2. Legal Status of Registered Immovables That No Ownership Registry Was Made At The Moment of Cadastral Detection (“Kadastro Tespiti Anında Malik Hanesi Boş Bırakılan Tapulu Taşınmazların Hukuki Durumu”), Ankara University Law Faculty Journal 1999, Vol. 48, No. 1-4, p. 177-186.
3. Limiting the Increases in Rental Payments (“Kira Parası Artışlarının Sınırlanması”), Ankara University Law Faculty Journal 2000, Vol. 49, No. 1 – 4, p. 97–116.
4. Objective of Adoption Agreements (“Evlatlık Sözleşmesinde Amaç”), Turkish Law World, Ankara 2000, p. 103-110.
5. Liability of the Banks in Unauthorized Money Withdrawal from the Deposit Accounts (“Mevduat Hesabından Yetkisiz Para Çekilmesinde Bankanın Hukuki Sorumluluğu”), Ankara Bar Journal 2001, No. 3, p. 37.
6. Issue Regarding to Evidence of Collateral Damage (“Munzam Zararda İspat Sorunu”), Ankara University Law Faculty Journal 2001, Vol. 50, No. 1, p. 121–130.
7. Family Foundations and Heirloom at Foundations (“Vakıflarda Evladiye ve Aile Vakıfları”), Foundations Civilization Symposium Booklet, Ankara 2003, p. 99–104.
8. Foundation System in Turkey During 1926 – 1967 Period (“Türkiye’de 1926 – 1967 Dönemi Arasında Vakıf Sistemi”), Manual of the International Foundation Symposium at 80th Year of the Republic, Ankara 2004, p. 87–101.
9. Effect of Foreign and Turkish Courts’ Divorce Decisions on the Inheritance Right (Civil Code Art. 181) [“Yabancı ve Türk Mahkeme Boşanma Kararlarının Miras Hakkına Etkisi (M.K MD: 181)”], Present to Prof. Dr. Turgut Kalpsüz, Ankara 2004, p. 657– 668.
10. Amendments to Associations Law by the Codes No. 4748 – 4771 and Their Impact on Regulations (“4748 – 4771 Sayılı Yasalarla Dernekler Kanununda Yapılan Değişiklikler ve Mevzuata Etkisi”), Gazi University Law Faculty Journal 2004, Vol. 6, No: 1-2, p. 35–54.
11. A Truly Liberalized Informatics Sector (“Gerçekten Liberalleşmiş Bir Bilişim Sektörü”), Telecom World Journal, April 2005.
12. Universal Service -1-(“Evrensel Hizmet -1-”), Telecom World Journal, May 2005.
13. Universal Service -2-(“Evrensel Hizmet -2-”), Telecom World Journal, July 2005.
14. Significance of Telecommunication Law (“Telekomünikasyon Hukukunun Önemi”), Telecom World Journal, July 2005.
15. Why should Türk Telekom be Privatized? (“Türk Telekom Niçin Özelleştirilmeli”), Telecom World Journal, August 2005.
16. CDMA: Much Ado About Nothing (“Bir Bardak Suda Kopan CDMA Fırtınası”), Telecom World Journal, September 2005.
17. Türk Telekom Shall Continue To Be Subject to “Administrative Concession Regime” After Privatization (“Türk Telekom Özelleştirme Sonrasında ‘İdari İmtiyaz Rejimine’ Tabi Olmaya Devam Edecektir”), Telecom World Journal, October 2005.
18. Actual Monopolization Will Not Happen (“Fiili Tekelleşme Olmayacak”), Telecom World Journal, November 2005.
19. In order to Ensure and Protect Competition in the Telecommunication Sector Broad Powers are made available to the Turkish Competition Authority and Telecommunication Authority (“Telekomünikasyon Alanında Rekabetin Sağlanması ve Korunması Amacıyla Rekabet ve Telekomünikasyon Kurumuna Çok Geniş Yetkiler Verilmiştir”), Telecom World Journal, December 2005.
20. Contractee’s Right to Renunciation, Before the Fulfillment of the Contract of Construction (Code of Obligations, Art. 358) (“İstisna Sözleşmesinde İş Sahibinin İfadan Önce Sözleşmeden Dönme Hakkı ( BK m. 358)”), Present to Prof. Dr. Fikret Eren, Ankara 2006, p. 96-110.
21. Status of Türk Telekom Staff After the Privatization (“Özelleştirme Sonrasında Türk Telekom Personelinin Durumu”), Telecom World Journal, January 2006.
22. How will be the Türk Telekom after Privatization? (“Özelleştirme Sonrası Nasıl Bir Türk Telekom Bekleniyor”), Telecom World Journal, February 2006.
23. Competition in the Telecommunication Field Starts Now (“Telekomünikasyon Alanında Rekabet Şimdi Başlıyor”), Telecom World Journal, March 2006.
24. Cable TV Services in Turkey (“Türkiye’de Kablo TV Hizmetleri”), Telecom World Journal, May 2006.
25. The Issue of Ownership of Cable TV Infrastructures (“Kablo TV Altyapısının Aidiyet Sorunu”), Telecom World Journal, July 2006.
26. Course of Universal Services in the Telecommunications Sector (“Telekomünikasyon Sektöründe Evrensel Hizmetin Seyri”), Telecom World Journal, July 2006
27. Policies Related to the Status and Future of Telecommunications Sector (“Telekomünikasyon Sektörünün Durumu ve Geleceği ile İlgili Politikalar”), Telecom World Journal, August 2006.
28. Research and Development and Domestic Production (“Ar-Ge (Araştırma ve Geliştirme) ve Yerli Üretim”), Telecom World Journal, September 2006.
29. Draft Armenian “Laughingstock” Bill in France and Informed Society (“Fransa Ermeni ‘Soytarı’ Yasa Tasarısı ve Bilişim Toplumu”), Telecom World Journal, October 2006.
30. TTnet and Internet (“TTnet ve İnternet”), Telecom World Journal, November 2006.
31. E-State (“E-Devlet”), Telecom World Journal, December 2006.
32. Electronic Data Security (“Elektronik Ortamda Veri Güvenliği”), Telecom World Journal, January 2007.
33. Telecommunications Sector In Light of the Directives of the European Parliament (“Avrupa Parlamentosu Telekomünikasyon Direktifleri Doğrultusunda Telekomünikasyon Sektörü”), Telecom World Journal, February 2007.
34. Concession Agreement for Telecommunication Services (“Telekomünikasyon Hizmetlerinde İmtiyaz Sözleşmesi”), Telecom World Journal, March 2007.
35. Number Portability (“Numara Taşınabilirliği”), Telecom World Journal, April 2007.
36. National Circulatory System (Roaming), in Turkish Telecommunications (“Türkiye’de Telekomünikasyonda Ulusal Dolaşım Sistemi (Roaming)”), Telecom World Journal, May 2007.
37. Directive Regarding the Protection of Personal Data and Privacy (“Kişisel Verilerin ve Gizliliğin Korunmasına İlişkin Direktif”), Telecom World Journal, July 2007.
38. An Assessment Regarding to Various Rights and Benefits of Users in the Telecommunication Field (“Telekomünikasyon Alanında Bazı Kullanıcı Hakları ve Menfaatleri Hakkında Bir İnceleme”), Telecom World Journal, July 2007.
39. Which is to be prioritized in Turkey: Number Portability or 3G? (“Numara Taşınabilirliği Mi Yoksa 3G Mi Ülkemizin Öncelikleri Arasında Yer Almalıdır?”), Telecom World Journal, August 2007.
40. European Union Regulation Regarding to International Roaming Came Into Force in July 29, 2007 (“Avrupa Birliği Uluslararası Roaming (Dolaşım) Yönetmeliği 29 Temmuz 2007 Tarihinde Yürürlüğe Girmiştir”), Telecom World Journal, October 2007.
41. Tariff Regime at the Telecommunications Sector for Protection of Consumer Rights and Competition I (“Tüketici Haklarının Korunması Ve Rekabet Hukuku Açısından Telekomünikasyon Sektöründe Tarife Rejimi I”), Telecom World Journal, November 2007.
42. Tariff Regime at the Telecommunication Sector for Protection of Consumer Rights and Competition II (“Tüketici Haklarının Korunması Ve Rekabet Hukuku Açısından Telekomünikasyon Sektöründe Tarife Rejimi II”), Telecom World Journal, December 2007.
43. Contractee’s Right to Renunciation as a result of Approximate Fee Exceedance in the Contract of Construction (Code of Obligations, Art. 366-367) (“İstisna Sözleşmesinde İş Sahibinin Yaklaşık Ücretin Aşılması Nedeniyle Sözleşmeden Dönme Hakkı (BK m. 366-367)”), Present to Prof. Dr. Bilge Öztan, Ankara 2008, p. 71–84.
44. Tariff Regime at the Telecommunication Sector for Protection of Consumer Rights and Competition III (“Tüketici Haklarının Korunması Ve Rekabet Hukuku Açısından Telekomünikasyon Sektöründe Tarife Rejimi III”), Telecom World Journal, January 2008.
45. Subscription Contracts In The Area of Telecommunications, (“Telekomünikasyon Alanında Abonelik Sözleşmeleri”) Present to Prof. Dr. Ali Naim İnan, January 2008.
46. The Importance of Interconnection Agreements (“Arabağlantı Sözleşmelerinin Önemi”), Telecom World Journal, January 2008.
47. Is it Time to Adapt 3G Technology in Turkey? (“Türkiye’de 3G Teknolojisine Geçmenin Vakti Geldi Mi?”), Telecom World Journal, March 2008.
48. Guidance Services (“Rehberlik Hizmeti”), Telecom World Journal, April 2008.
49. Personal Information Security I (“Kişisel Bilgi Güvenliği I”), Telecom World Journal, May 2008.
50. Personal Information Security II (“Kişisel Bilgi Güvenliği II”), Telecom World Journal, July 2008.
51. Personal Information Security III (“Kişisel Bilgi Güvenliği III”), Telecom World Journal, July 2008.
52. Renewed Third Generation Authorization (“Yeniden Üçüncü Nesil Yetkilendirmesi”), Telecom World Journal, September 2008.
53. Mobile Virtual Network Operation (MVNO) Services (“Sanal Mobil Şebeke Hizmeti (Mvno)”), Telecom World Journal, October 2008.
54. An Innovative Regulation in Telecommunication Sector: Mobile Device Registry System (“Telekomünikasyon Sektöründe Yenilikçi Bir Düzenleme: Mobil Cihaz Kayıt Sistemi”), Telecom World Journal, November 2008.
55. Innovations in the Electronic Communication Law I (“Elektronik Haberleşme Kanunu’nun Getirdiği Yenilikler I”), Telecom World Journal, December 2008.
56. Subscription Contracts in the Area of Telecommunications, (“Telekomünikasyon Alanında Abonelik Sözleşmeleri”) Present to Prof. Dr. Ali Naim İnan, Ankara 2009, p.157.
57. Innovations in the Electronic Communication Law II (“Elektronik Haberleşme Kanunu’nun Getirdiği Yenilikler II”), Telecom World Journal, January 2009.
58. Innovations in the Electronic Communication Law III (“Elektronik Haberleşme Kanunu’nun Getirdiği Yenilikler III”), Telecom World Journal, February 2009.
59. Legal Obligations and Taxes in Telecommunications Sector (“Telekomünikasyon Sektöründeki Vergi ve Yasal Yükümlülükler”), Telecom World Journal, March 2009.
60. Broadband Access Services and Competition Issues in Turkey (“Ülkemizde Genişbant Erişim Hizmetleri ve Rekabet Sorunları”), Telecom World Journal, April 2009.
61. New Interconnection Issues-I (“Yeni Arabağlantı Sorunları-I”), Telecom World Journal, May 2009.
62. Disclosure of Trade Secrets in the Context of the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Protection of the Trade Secrets of Operators and the Publication of Information that may be Disclosed to the Public -1 (“İşletmecilere Ait Ticari Sırların Korunması İle Kamuoyuna Açıklanabilecek Bilgilerin Yayımlanmasına İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar Hakkındaki Yönetmelik Doğrultusunda Ticari Sırların Ortaya Çıkarılması -1”), Telecom World Journal, July 2009.
63. Disclosure of Trade Secrets in the Context of the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Protection of the Trade Secrets of Operators and the Publication of Information that may be Disclosed to the Public -2 (“İşletmecilere Ait Ticari Sırların Korunması İle Kamuoyuna Açıklanabilecek Bilgilerin Yayımlanmasına İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar Hakkındaki Yönetmelik Doğrultusunda Ticari Sırların Ortaya Çıkarılması -2”), Telecom World Journal, July 2009.
64. Tracking Interpersonal Communications (“Bireyler Arası İletişimin Takip Edilmesi”), Telecom World Journal, August 2009.
65. Regarding to the Government and the Draft Informed Society Law (“Devlet ve Bilgi Toplumu Kanun Tasarısı Taslağı Hakkında”), Telecom World Journal, September 2009.
66. Significance of Consumer Protection Law in the Telecommunications Sector (“Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanunun Telekomünikasyon Sektöründeki Yeri”), Telecom World Journal, October 2009.
67. Virtual Mobile Network Service (“Sanal Mobil Şebeke Hizmeti”), Telecom World Journal, November 2009.
68. Convergence (“Yakınsama”), Telecom World Journal, December, 2009.
69. Is it Possible to Enlarge the Scope of Universal Service? (“Evrensel Hizmetin Kapsamı Genişletilebilir Mi?”), Telecom World Journal, January 2010.
70. The Directive on Protection of Personal Data and Privacy (“Kişisel Verilerin ve Gizliliğin Korunmasına İlişkin Direktif”), ICT Media, January 2010.
71. Convergence (“Yakınsama”), ICT Media, February 2010.
72. Should the Special Communication Tax Rates be Reduced? (“Özel İletişim Vergisi Oranları İndirilmeli Mi?”), Telecom World Journal, February 2010.
73. Outcome of Passing Process from Credit to Turkish Lira (“Kontörden Türk Lirasına Geçiş Sürecinin Getirdikleri”), Telecom World Journal, March 2010.
74. Competition with Tariffs in the Telecommunication Sector (“Telekomünikasyon Sektöründe Tarifeler ile Gelen Rekabet”), ICT Media, March 2010.
75. The Scope of the 112 Emergency Helpline Expands (“112 Acil Yardım Hattının Kapsamı Genişliyor”), ICT Media, April 2010.
76. The Prospects of Marketization of Directory Assistance Services (“Bilinmeyen Numara Hizmetinin Rekabete Açılmasının Getirdikleri”), Telecom World Journal, April 2010.
77. Can Virtual Operators Provide Marketization of GSM Service? (“Sanal Operatörler GSM Hizmetinin Rekabete Açılmasını Sağlar Mı?”), Telecom World Journal, May 2010.
78. Misuse of Technology: Cyber Crimes (“Teknolojinin Kötüye Kullanımı: Siber Suçlar”), ICT Media, May 2010.
79. GSM Gateway and Its Significance in the Sector (“GSM Gateway ve Sektördeki Yeri”), ICT Media, July 2010.
80. Turkey is on the Way of Being an E-State (“Türkiye E-Devlet Olma Yolunda”), ICT Media, July 2010.
81. Latest Development in Turkish IT Sector (“Türkiye’de IT Sektöründe Yaşanan Son Gelişme”), ICT Media, August 2010.
82. A Never-Ending Controversy: Fixed Fee (“Tartışması Bitmeyen Konu: Sabit Ücret”), September 2010.
83. Virtual Mobile Networking Service (“Sanal Mobil Şebeke Hizmeti”), October 2010.
84. Regulation of Interconnection Fees (“Arabağlantı Ücretlerinin Regülasyonu”), November 2010.
85. The Concept of Right-of-Way in Electronic Communications Sector (“Elektronik Haberleşme Sektöründe Geçiş Hakkı Kavramı”), December 2010.
86. An Interesting Hidden Subject: Will Electronic Communication Services be Provided Via Electricity Distribution Lines? (“Merak Uyandıran Gizli Konu: Elektrik Dağıtım Hattı Üzerinden Elektronik Haberleşme Hizmeti Verilecek mi?”), January 2011.
87. When Will the Only-One-Voice Transmission Market be Accepted? (“Tek Bir Ses İletim Pazarını Ne Zaman Kabul Edeceğiz?”), March 2011.
88. Before Time Machine: Popularity of Web TV (“Zaman Makinesine Varmadan Önce: Web TV Furyası”), April 2011.
89. Women’s Day in ICT (“ICT Alanında Kadınlar Günü”), ICT Media, April 2011.
90. Psychological or Real? Issue Regarding to Environmental Effects of Base Stations (“Psikolojik mi, Gerçek mi? Baz İstasyonlarının Çevreye Etkisi Sorunsalı”), May 2011.
91. Benefits and Risks of Cloud Computing (“Bulut Bilişimin Faydaları ve Riskleri”), Telekom Dünyası Dergisi, July 2011.
92. Secure Internet Service (“Güvenli İnternet Hizmeti”), Telekom Dünyası Dergisi, October 2011.
93. On the Liquidation of Concession Agreements (“İmtiyaz Sözleşmelerinin Tasfiyesi Üzerine”), ICT Media, December 2011.
94. Fiduciary Transactions (“İnançlı İşlemler”), İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2011, s. 1-29.
95. First Step Legal Regulation in the Protection of Personal Data (“Kişisel Verilerin Güvenliğinde İlk Adım Yasal Düzenleme”), Telekom Dünyası Dergisi, November 2012.
96. Regulation on Processing of Personal Data and Protection of Privacy in Electronic Communication Sector (“Elektronik Haberleşme Sektöründe Kişisel Verilerin İşlenmesi ve Gizliliğin Korunması Hakkında Yönetmelik”), Telekom Dünyası, September 2012.
97. Tablet Madness (“Tablet Çılgınlığı”), Türk Telekom Dergisi, August 2013.
98. Definition of Reactive Energy and Its Significance in Legislation (“Reaktif Enerjinin Tanımı ve Mevzuattaki Yeri”), ICT Enerji, October 2014.
99. Urgent Expropriation Decisions Established by the Council of Ministers Pursuant to the Decisions of the Council of State (“Danıştay Kararları Uyarınca Bakanlar Kurulu Tarafından Tesis Edilen Acele Kamulaştırma Kararları”), ICT Enerji, November 2014.
100. An Assessment within the Scope of the Electricity Market Law Provisional Article 9 (“Elektrik Piyasası Kanunu Geçici 9.Maddesi Kapsamında Bir Değerlendirme”), ICT Enerji, January 2015.
101. Natural Gas Market Licensing Regulation Amendment (“Doğalgaz Piyasası Lisans Yönetmeliği Değişikliği”), ICT Enerji, April 2015.

1. Connection Between First Seven Articles of the Turkish Civil Code, International Symposium of the 90th Year of Civil Code and Obligations Law (“Türk Medeni Kanunu’nun İlk Yedi Maddesi Arasındaki İlişkiler, Medeni Kanun’un ve Borçlar Kanunu’nun 90. Yılı Uluslararası Sempozyumu”), 17-20 February 2016.
2. Public Perception Regarding Lawyers (“Avukatlığın Toplumdaki Algısı”), Ankara Bar International Law Convention, 13-16 January 2016.
3. Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Telecommunication Strategy and Regulatory Agency, IV. Symposium of Development and Local Practices on Telecommunications Sector (“KKTC Haberleşme Stratejileri ve Düzenleyici Kuruluş, IV. Telekomünikasyon Sektörlerindeki Gelişmeler ve Yerel Uygulamalar Sempozyumu”), 25 April 2008.

1. Family Foundations and Heirloom in Foundations, Culture of Foundation Symposium (“Vakıflarda Evladiye ve Aile Vakıfları, Vakıf Medeniyeti Sempozyumu ”), 12-13 May 2003.
2. Foundation System in Turkey Between 1926-1967, International Foundation Symposium at the 80th Year of the Republic (“Türkiye’de 1926 – 1967 Dönemi Arasında Vakıf Sistemi, Cumhuriyetin 80. Yılında Uluslar Arası Vakıf Sempozyumu”), 15-17 December 2003.
3. Ankara University Faculty of Law – Draft Code of Obligations Symposium, (“Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Borçlar Kanunu Tasarısı Sempozyumu”) 1 December 2008.
4. Security of Information and Multimedia Content, Supercom 08 Telecom World Policy Forum III (“Bilgi Güvenliği ve Multimedya İçerik, Supercom 08 Telekom Dünyası Politikaları Forumu III”), 08-09 May 2008.
5. Concession Contracts and Due Date Implementation, Symposium for New Technologies and Competition on GSM Sector (“İmtiyaz Sözleşmeleri ve Süre Sonu Uygulamaları, GSM Sektöründe Yeni Teknolojiler ve Rekabet Sempozyumu”), 22-23 March 2005.
6. Symposium on Strategic Priorities on Crime, Law, Democracy, Environment, Information and Communication Technologies (“Suç, Hukuk, Demokrasi, Çevre, Güvenlik, Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojilerinde Stratejik Öncelikler Sempozyumu”), Erzincan 22- 25 February 2007.
7. Symposium on Strategic Priorities on Crime, Law, Democracy, Environment, Information and Communication Technologies (“Suç, Hukuk, Demokrasi, Çevre, Güvenlik, Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojilerinde Stratejik Öncelikler Sempozyumu”), Istanbul 9-10 March 2007.
8. Liberalization and Privatization of the Telecommunications Sector (“Telekomünikasyon Sektörünün Liberalleşmesi ve Özelleştirilmesi”), Uludağ University, 11 December 2007.
9. Symposium on Good Faith, Changes in Turkish Civil Law (“Dürüstlük Kuralı, Türk Medeni Hukukumda Değişimler Sempozyumu”), Çankaya University, 10- 11 June 2016.

2019- : Chairman of the Board of the Shopping Centers and Investors Association
2011-2015: Interuniversity Board Membership (IBM)
2011-2015: President on Associate Professorship’s Supreme Board of IBM
2012-2015: President on the Legislation Commission of IBM
2010-2012: Dean of Ankara University Law School
2010-2012: General Assembly Membership on Press Advertising Organisation
2010-2012: President of the Union of Turkish Public Notaries Foundation
2010-2012: President of Intellectual Journalist Foundation
2010-2012: President of Ankara University Faculty of Law Foundation
2009-2013: Consultant for the General Director of Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş.
2003-2009: Board Membership at Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş.
2004-2006: Board Membership at Türksat A.Ş.

2019- : Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Management – Department of Management – Member of Faculty
2009-2019 : Ankara University Faculty of Law – Member of Faculty in the Department of Private Law (Civil Law)
2009 : Receiving Title of Professorship (Private Law – Department of Civil Law)
2003 : Receiving Title of Associate Professorship (Private Law – Department of Civil Law)
1998 : Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences – Doctoral Degree (Private Law – Department of Civil Law)
1994-1995- : Freiburg Albert Ludwig University (15 Months)
1992 : Marburg University (2 Months)
1991 : Passau University (2 Months)
1991 : Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences – Master of Laws, Private Law
1989 : Ankara University Faculty of Law – Bachelor of Laws

Preliminary Provisions of Civil Law
Law of Obligations, Specific Provisions
Law of Obligations, General Provisions
Inheritance Law
Telecommunications Law
Construction Contracts
Zoning Law
Building and Procurement Law
Testamentary Dispositions
