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Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ALTAŞ

To what should a person devote his life ? When I look back on my life I have spent educating people in the shadow of justice, I am aware of that everyone may give answers that are different from each other to this question on the basis of their life experiences. I know that if everyone becomes equitable and good, our path will be great and our country will have a bright future. To actualize this idea, I have devoted my life to the law, securing justice and advocating the truth. Especially to educate people to become righteous, because I believe that this is the corner stone of life. In the past, a person who didn’t harm anyone and are beneficial to humanity was called a “good person”. Today, unfortunately, just not to harm anyone is sufficient enough to be a good person. However, goodness does not mean only not to harm, it also means to be helpful. To be helpful for both, people who you know and don’t know but most importantly to be helpful for humanity. Goodness necessitates to be helpful, to lend a hand, and to support and it can be spreaded by only in this way. This is my purpose in life; to be a good person, educating people to be good and to contribute to goodness.”

I have always aimed to be a good and fair person in my journey from being a student to being a dean in Ankara Law, without losing the thrill of the first day when I came to Ankara University from Denizli. I have always tried to teach this to both my students and my colleagues. My journey to higher education, which started in Ankara Law, turned Altaş Attorney Partnership into an academy. I have trained hundreds of lawyers not only in the faculty but also under the roof of Altaş Attorney Partnership, which dates back to long before its foundation, and I continue to train them. Hundreds of my lawyer friends accomplished the education of this academy and became lawyers who proved their qualification and serve as valuable advocates of justice.

The purpose of justice is equality for all. At Altaş Attorney Partnership, we work for the correct implementation of an equal justice system for people from all social strata. This has always been our route with hundreds of lawyer friends and hundreds of clients we have worked with so far; ensure equality. We didn’t take the cases we didn’t believe, we didn’t walk with those we didn’t trust. We proceeded on the legal path in order to have our signature under the decisions worthy of our country. Looking back now, I see once again that I have devoted my life to teaching and to provide justice and this will always continue like this.


We have touched the lives of hundreds of people with my colleagues, whom I see as my loyal companions, and enabled countless accurate and fair decisions to arise. We will continue on our way with fairness and good faith worthy of a lawyer. Altaş Attorney Partnership will continue to defend the truth together with its growing team. Mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine; we proceed to seek rights with our conscience and work in the service of our country and our people, and we will continue to do so.

Since its establishment, Altaş Attorney Partnership has adopted the principle for itself to defend the rule of law under every condition. Altaş Attorney Partnership has been providing high quality legal assistance to its clients by means of mutual trust, respect, equity and courtesy and aiming to behave in a conscientious manner and to get conscientious and fair results. With its dynamic team which always defends the righteous and just regarless of the circumstances, the Partnership works both in domestic and international area. Altaş Attorney Partnership provides preventive consultancy services and legal services for settlement of legal disputes through negotiation or judiciary to both local and foreign civil/public legal entities with a special emphasis on zoning, construction, rental contracts, insurance, energy and mining and other issues related to Company Law, Telecommunication Law, Obligations Law, Civil Law and Administrative Law. Altaş Attorney Partnership closely monitors domestic and international legislations, relevant jurisprudence and financial developments and considers relevant jurisprudence and also the doctrine while proposing solution offers and setting the preventive starategies in order to answer the needs of its clients and provide innovative solutions to resolve the disputes in a creative and efficient manner by reviewing the all available options while performing its duties as a consultant or legal advisor. One of the core aims of Altaş Attorney Partnership is to be a leading provider of legal services in Turkey; thus, the Partnership works in an outcome-oriented manner with all the effort it is able to achieve, if necessary, the Partnership resorts to expert academicians and trade bodies to reach the best solution for its clients.

Altaş Attorney Partnership operates in the legal consultancy business of group companies and especially in the fields of zoning, construction, real estate, energy, companies, mergers and acquisitions, trade, tender, privatization, telecommunication law, debts and civil law.